Mom, can I keep him! PLEASE!!!!!!!! (darkwiz23456)
Mom, look at my new freind. Try telling me to clean my room NOW!! (Thrawn)
Mother, Destroyers! (darkwiz23456)
You play MY way... or else! (kitfisto525)
Mom, can I keep him! PLEASE!!!!!!!! (darkwiz23456)
Mom, look at my new freind. Try telling me to clean my room NOW!! (Thrawn)
Mother, Destroyers! (darkwiz23456)
You play MY way... or else! (kitfisto525)
The CIS army consisted mainly of droids. Infantry included :
(Click Name for more info)
A-series assassin droid
Air battle droid
B-series battle droid
B1 battle droid
B2 super battle droid
B3 ultra battle droid
C-B3 cortosis battle droid
Battle droid assassin
BL-series Battle Legionnaire
D-60 assault droid
D-90 assault droid
P-series droideka
Q-series droideka
W-series droideka
Droid marine
E4 baron droid
Engineer droid
Grapple droid
IG-100 MagnaGuard
IG lancer combat droid
JK-13 security droid
Jump droid
Octuptarra combat tri-droid
OOM-series battle droid
OOM command battle droid
OOM pilot battle droid
OOM security battle droid
Orray trooper
Pistoeka sabotage droid
Snow droid
Spelunker probe droid
Spider droid
Its Ground Vehicles Included:
(Click name for more Info)
Armored Assault Tank
Advanced dwarf spider droid
DSD1 dwarf spider droid
Heavy Artillery Gun
OG-9 homing spider droid
IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank
LM-432 crab droid
NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcer
Ground Armored Tank
Multi-Utility Transport
Scorpenek annihilator droid
Single Trooper Aerial Platform
Seismic tank
Tsmeu-6 personal wheel bike
MVR-3 speeder bike
And it's Aquaic and Aireal Vehicles Included:
(Click for more)
Aerial vehicles
Heavy Missile Platform
Mechanized Assault Flyer
C-9979 landing craft
Aquatic weapons
Crab Cannon
Manta droid subfighter
Ocean Troop Transport
Ostracoda-class gunboat
Separatist Sub-Carrier
Trade Federation submarine
These are only a few examples of the army members for the CIS.
The CIS army was led by General Gervious. He was a half droid, half Kaleesh, which is a reptilain type creature. He wielded 4 lightsabers, but had several from all the jedi(curse them all) he had kill over the years. He was eventually killed by Obi-wan Kinobi when he shot his vital organs with a blaster pistol.
The CIS formally ended after the destruction of the Jedi Temple, but its reminates remained long into the Galatic Empire, which eventually crushed all who hadn't joined the Rebels.